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Undergraduate Scholarships

Department of Food Science

Undergraduate Student Scholarships

Badger Flyers Scholarship

Awarded to undergraduate students studying for BS, MS, or a PhD degree in either Dairy Chemistry or Dairy Manufacturing in the department of Food Science.

Bill Reese Dairy, Deli & Bakery Study Grant

Awarded to undergraduate students in CALS majoring in Food Science. Preference given to incoming freshmen who participate in extracurricular activities.

Charles Eckburg Memorial

Freshman Award, Sophomore Award, Junior Award, Senior Award

Students preparing for careers in the Dairy Industry.

Chiquita Brands Fritz Friday Food Science Scholarship

Award(s) given for outstanding scholarship, research or service of an undergraduate student pursuing a degree in the Department of Food Science. Minimum GPA of 3.5.

David Anthony Stuiber Scholarship

Awarded to CALS undergraduate students who are majoring in Food Science and pursuing a certificate or major in fermentation sciences. First preference shall be given to students demonstrating financial need. FAFSA is required.

Dorothea Kronck Scholarship

Scholarships given to worthy and needy undergraduate students majoring in Food Science in either their junior or senior year. Each student must exhibit good citizenship, e.g., demonstrate a meaningful contribution to society through volunteer efforts or other community involvement, and participate in extracurricular campus activities.

Dowaine Giraud Dairy Promotion Scholarship

Awarded to senior students in CALS majoring in Dairy Science, Food Science, Agricultural Journalism, Life Sciences Communication or Agricultural Economics. Must be a Wisconsin resident.

Dr. Keizaburo Mogi Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to Junior or Senior CALS students majoring in Food Science.

H.C. Jackson Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to a sophomore student in CALS majoring in the Department of Dairy Science or Food Science. Students must have taken a beginning course within one of those departments. Students must demonstrate leadership and have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Career interest required: dairy product processing.

Hans F. Dresel Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to junior or senior students in CALS majoring in Food Science with an interest in the Confectionery Industry. Minimum GPA of 2.5.

Lactalis Food Science Scholarship

Awarded to a Sophomore in Food Science with an interest in dairy product processing, providing a scholarship of $5,000 per year, renewed annually. Students have the opportunity to identify industry mentors, gain industry experience from internships, and to have a clear path forward in their careers.

Mishra-Dhodapkar Award in Food Science

First preference shall be given to students demonstrating financial need. Second preference shall be given based on academic merit.

Madison West Kiwanis – Dickson Scholarship

Awarded to CALS undergraduate students who are Wisconsin residents and majoring in one of the following majors AAE, ABM, Agronomy, Animal Sciences, BSE, Dairy Science, Food Science, Horticulture, Nutri Sci-Dietetics, Soil Science. Sophomore, Junior, or Senior status. FAFSA required. 

Norman F. Olson Cheese Research Scholarship

Awarded to undergraduate or graduate students majoring in Food Science with an interest in Cheese Research.

Norman F. Olson Family Scholarship

Awarded to deserving junior, senior, or graduate students in the Entomology, Food Science, and Rehabilitation Psychology and Counseling Psychology in the School of Education on a rotational basis.

Paul McShane Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to students majoring in either dairy science, food science or nutritional sciences who are entering their sophomore or junior years. Students must demonstrate need and have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 to receive this scholarship. Preference should be given to students who wish to work in the dairy industry after graduation.

Phyto Colorant Scholarship

Awarded to CALS Juniors and Seniors majoring in Food Science and Horticulture who have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Students awarded as Juniors are eligible to receive award as senior. 

Ross Charles Pech Memorial Trust Scholarship

Awarded to a junior or senior male majoring in Food Science; based on scholastic ability. Minimum GPA of 2.75.

Steenbock Borden Award

Awarded to an academically outstanding Food Science student, irrespective of their financial need. Minimum GPA of 3.75.

William L. and Hallie G. Wendorff Scholarship

Undergraduates in CALS interested in studying dairy foods including but not limited to milk, cheese, cultured and whey products.  Preference given to Juniors and Seniors and to students with demonstrated financial need.

Graduate Scholarships

Department of Food Science

Graduate Student Scholarships

Dr. Elmer H. Marth Graduate Student Scholarship

Awarded to CALS graduate students Department of Food Science, seeking a PhD in food microbiology.

Gurine Gulsteen (Gjermundson) Research Fellowship

Awarded to students for research and study who are working to solve practical problems that WI farmers confront in daily lives. All CALS Graduate Programs.

Norman F. Olson Cheese Research Scholarship

Awarded to undergraduate or graduate students majoring in Food Science with an interest in Cheese Research.

Norm F. Olson Family Scholarship

Awarded to deserving junior, senior, or graduate students in the Entomology, Food Science, and Rehabilitation Psychology and Counseling Psychology in the School of Education on a rotational basis.

W.D. Hoard Memorial Graduate Scholarship

Awarded to graduates student with a degree from a college in the United States, showing unusual proficiency in some phase of dairying, dairy production, dairy manufacturing or marketing, or dairy journalism. The recipients are chosen by the Scholarship and Loans Committee upon recommendation by the departments of Dairy Science, Food Science, and Life Science Communications.