James R. Claus
Professor – Meat Science
1933 Observatory Dr, 2120
Meat Science & Animal Biologics Discovery Building, 608-262-0875
Meat science and technology. Fresh meat quality, muscle pigment chemistry, tenderness, and processed meats technology relative to red meats and poultry.
Benjamin Darien
Internal Medicine Specialist
3256 Veterinary Medicine Bldg, 2015 Linden Dr, 608-265-2670
Large animal urinary, anemia and endocrinology; septic shock syndrome.
Thomas Jeffries (Joint with Bacteriology)
Professor of Bacteriology, Emeritus
Forest Product Laboratory, One Gifford Pinchot Drive, 608-231-9453
Bioconversion of renewable resources metabolic engineering of pentose fermenting yeasts
Eric A. Johnson
Professor of Bacteriology
Physiology of toxigenic gram-positive spore-forming bacteria, especially Clostridium botulinum. Research on botulinum toxin. Microbiological safety of foods. Natural antimicrobial systems. Yeast fermentations and food spoilage.
Charles W. Kaspar
Professor of Bacteriology
3554 Microbial Sciences Building, 608-263-6936
Microbial ecology, gastrointestinal microbiology, and molecular biology of bacterial stress protection systems.
Mark P. Richards
Professor of Meat Science
Animal Science Department, 1675 Observatory Drive, 608-262-1792
Lipid Oxidation processes that affect quality in muscle foods. Investigation into mechanisms of lipid oxidation mediated by the heme proteins, hemoglobin and myoglobin.
Grace (Lewis) Voronin
Assistant Professor L/I, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, Department of Animal and Food Science
Email: grace.lewis@uwrf.edu
Research focused on technology, product development and processing systems in the dairy foods space.
Zifan Wan
Assistant Professor L/I, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Department of Animal and Dairy Science
Email: wanzi@uwplatt.edu
Research focuses on dairy product development and processing, and utilization of dairy by-product/waste.
Jae-Hyuk Yu
Professor of Bacteriology and Genetics
3155 Microbial Sciences Building, 608-262-4696
Mycotoxins and food safety. Fungal molecular genetics, Signal transduction, and Physiology.
Associate Research Faculty
Food Science represents diverse disciplines populated by all core STEM fields. Our department invites and supports faculty from other departments to serve in an affiliate role for various complementary purposes, such as graduate student advising and research programming.