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Food Application Laboratory

Welcome to the Food Science Department’s Food Application Lab located at Babcock Hall. We provide instructional space for laboratory activities including project and equipment testing with the UW and others.

Food Apps Lab

Our lab has 11 culinary workstations, a lecture room, food service equipment, a dishwashing and cart washing area, a resource area, dry storage, refrigerated and frozen storage, as well as a hand washing area and student lockers.

Food preparation for both small scale and food service scale is possible with our ample counter space and food service equipment.

The modern lecture room is located next to the lab and food storage areas for easy presenting. Please click on this link to learn more about our specific equipment. You can look at the photos here to learn what the spaces and some of the equipment look like.

We currently host lab classes during the fall and spring semesters. Special requests and short courses can be accommodated during our year round available times. Please contact me if you would like to use the space.

Beth Button, CFS
Faculty Assistant

Food Apps Lab