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2024 ADSA Fellow

Food Science Chair is 2024 ADSA Fellow

The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) has named Professor and Chair of Food Science, Scott Rankin, as the 2024 ADSA Fellow. The ADSA Fellow Award is to recognize members within the Dairy Food and Production division who have over 20 years of distinguished service in the dairy industry. The recipients have made substantial contributions to the dairy industry, in addition to being a member of ADSA for at least 20 years.

Professor and Chair, Scott Rankin, Speaking

Professor Rankin earned his degrees from Brigham Young and Oregon State Universities. Working in the Department of Food Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, he is able to lead outreach programs, such as milk pasteurization, dairy chemistry, and frozen desserts. His research has provided multiple grants and publications along with awards, including the Eckel Foundation Fellowship, Society of Flavor Chemist Memorial Fellowship, ADSA Foundation Scholar Award, the ADSA Foundation Food Specialties Award, and the Brigham Young University Alumni Achievement Award.